Southwest Louisiana (SWLA) Region


Posted over 1 year ago by Melissa Kramer

We need to raise funds for PAC. So, we decided to sweeten the deal with a little friendly competition- first region to meet their goal wins (we CANNOT let those other regions beat us). The SWLA region goal is to raise $7,015 for PAC by October 2023. 7k is a lot of money but if EVERY member of our region donates $65 we will meet our goal in no time. You can also consider making a recurring donation in any amount that fits your budget.

When we reach our goal, I will put the donors in a drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card. (Please send me a copy of your receipt so you can be entered for your chance to win.)

Remember, all money raised goes directly to the protection and advancement of the nurse practitioner role in Louisiana!

link to donate below: